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Flags of the World K.L. Jott

Flags of the World von K.L. Jott

Flags of the World K.L. Jott

13,49 €
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Flags of the World Zusammenfassung

Flags of the World K.L. Jott

The flag is a country's national symbol and is far more than a mere banner. It reflects that country's independence, the citizens, and their social views. As such, a flag is treated with respect, defended, and given a military salute. As so much is bound up in the flag, it may also be ridiculed, defiled, and burned in protest. As a symbol of the pride of the people, the flag is imbued with a variety of emotions around the world. Many flags are remnants of the often-turbulent history of nations destroyed. This revised and expanded second edition features updated facts and flags for 223 nations and territories, many states within nations, and the flags of international organizations, including the UN, the EU, and the Red Cross. The historical background and significance of each flag are recounted, along with explanations of its colors and symbols. Informative and updated statistics also provide additional information about the countries and nations flying these flags. This resource book is for anyone with a passion for international affairs or world history.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Flags of the World K.L. Jott
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Schiffer Publishing Ltd
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