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100+ Ideas for Teaching History Julia Murphy

100+ Ideas for Teaching History von Julia Murphy

100+ Ideas for Teaching History Julia Murphy

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Contains over 120 ideas on teaching history in the classroom. This book includes ideas that range from entertaining starters to using games and ICT to engage students in the subject. The ideas can be adapted for use with all ages and abilities.

100+ Ideas for Teaching History Zusammenfassung

100+ Ideas for Teaching History Julia Murphy

This second edition contains over 120 ideas on teaching history in the classroom. Ideas range from entertaining starters to using games and ICT to engage students in the subject. They can be adapted for use with all ages and abilities. It has a wealth of ideas on meaningful ways to engage students in history. The Continuum One Hundreds series offers 100 invaluable and practical ideas for teachers of all levels.

Über Julia Murphy

Julia Murphy is a history and English teacher in Carmarthenshire, South Wales


Introduction; Section 1 Making history relevant; Section 2 Lesson starter activities; Section 3 Understanding chronology; Section 4 Written activities; Section 5 Drama activities; Section 6 Using Information & Communication Technology; Section 7 Using primary sources. Section 8 Being creative; Section 9 Thinking Skills; Section 10 History games; Section 11 Out and about; Section 12 Archaeology; Section 13 Plenary activities and homework; Section 14 Essential Lists for Teaching History; Section 15 The value of money throughout the ages; Section 16 At your fingertips.

Zusätzliche Informationen

100+ Ideas for Teaching History Julia Murphy
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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