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Programming Entity Framework Julia Lerman

Programming Entity Framework von Julia Lerman

Programming Entity Framework Julia Lerman

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Presents an introduction to Microsoft's framework for building the data access layer of Windows and web applications. This book covers such core framework components as the Entity Data Model (EDM) and the LINQ to Entities and Entity SQL query languages. It also shows how to put them to use in a variety of applications.

Programming Entity Framework Zusammenfassung

Programming Entity Framework Julia Lerman

"Programming Data Access with the ADO.NET Entity Framework" is a thorough introduction to Microsoft's new framework for building the data access layer of Windows and web applications. Written by Julia Lerman, the most recognized independent expert on the subject, the book covers not only such core framework components as the Entity Data Model (EDM) and the LINQ to Entities and Entity SQL query languages, but also shows how to put them to use in a variety of applications. Complete with scores of reusable examples, this practical guide is the book that developers need to master the next generation data access technology from Microsoft and put it to work.

Über Julia Lerman

Julia Lerman is the leading independent authority on the Entity Framework and has been using and teaching the technology since its inception two years ago. She is well known in the .NET community as a Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider and INETA Speaker. Julia is a prolific blogger, a frequent presenter at technical conferences around the world, including DevConnections and TechEd and she writes articles for many well-known technical publications. You can read her blog at www.thedatafarm.com/blog.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Programming Entity Framework Julia Lerman
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA
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