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Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie Jonathan Brant

Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie von Jonathan Brant

Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie Jonathan Brant

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A biography of an Anglican priest and poet Rev Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, better known as Woodbine Willie, because of his propensity to give out woodbine cigarettes along with Bible verses and comforting words to the wounded. It looks back upon Woodbine Willie and helps us learn from his wisdom.

Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie Zusammenfassung

Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie Jonathan Brant

To commemorate the centenary of the First World War, delve deeper into the life and wisdom of the remarkable priest and poet Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, better known as Woodbine Willie.

Woodbine Willie did his thinking in the heat of battle, whilst running into no man's land, rescuing the wounded and encouraging frightened soldiers under bombardment in the trenches. In the face of terror he wrestled with God, exploring, through his poetry and prose, fresh answers to life's toughest questions.

Today, his wisdom retains its power. It speaks to our twenty-first century lives, particularly where we struggle with doubt, confusion and disappointment. It is wisdom for every day of the week, not just for Sundays, and wisdom for all of life, not just for wartime.

The poetry and extracts included in this book are useful for Commemorative Services, whilst the life application sections are ideal for individual readers and small groups exploring bigger questions such as 'What is life all about?', 'What can we do about suffering?' and 'What is the point of my work?'

Zusätzliche Informationen

Running into No Man's Land - The Wisdom of Woodbine Willie Jonathan Brant
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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