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Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) John Milton

Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) von John Milton

Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) John Milton

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Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) Zusammenfassung

Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) John Milton

In Paradise, God's favored new creations-Adam and Eve-live in bliss, untainted by sin. In another realm, Satan and his banished rebel angels collude to destroy God's tranquil new design. Into this idyll called Earth, and the confidence of Adam and Eve, Satan will instigate the fall of man. At the heart of this complex, audacious epic poem is a drama driven by the most recognizable human flaws. More than a story from Genesis, it is the extraordinary expression of Milton's search for personal truth and the meaning of existence, written to justify the ways of God to men. AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature's most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds. Revised edition: Previously published as Paradise Lost, this edition of Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

Über John Milton

John Milton (1608-1674) was an English poet and historian best known for Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Milton lived during a time of religious and political upheaval, and his writings reflect his personal convictions and a passion for freedom and self-determination. He advocated for the abolition of the Church of England, and he was briefly imprisoned following the Restoration. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential writers in the English language.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Paradise Lost (AmazonClassics Edition) John Milton
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Amazon Publishing
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