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Grey in the Dark John Lincoln

Grey in the Dark von John Lincoln

Grey in the Dark John Lincoln

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Too many people loved Kelly Rowland. One of them killed her, but was it the man in prison for her murder? Gethin Grey and the Last Resort Legals team investigate another miscarriage of justice, taking them from post-industrial dereliction of the South Wales Valleys to the gated communities of the Cardiff docklands....

Grey in the Dark Zusammenfassung

Grey in the Dark John Lincoln

Too many people loved Kelly Rowland. One of them killed her, but was it the man in prison for her murder?

Gethin Grey is back in the game. His wife may have left him and he's struggling with life as a single father, but now he's got his biggest case in years. The brutal murder of a young woman called Kelly Rowland has been the talk of the South Wales valleys. Even the conviction of a neighbour, a builder called Morgan Hopkins, failed to stop the gossip. There were too many other suspects still around, among them a pair of coppers: brother and sister.

So Gethin was delighted when Morgan's family stumped up the money to pay him and his Last Resort Legals team to reinvestigate the case. But when a new lead takes him undercover into a support group for recovering addicts, Gethin has to confront his own demons.

Moving from the former mining towns of the valleys to the shiny new waterfront developments of Cardiff, taking in adult puppet shows and piercing parlors, derelict mines and country clubs, Grey In The Dark lays bare a world in which sex and money collide and everyone has their secrets.

Über John Lincoln

John Lincoln is the transparent pseudonym of John Williams, the novelist, biographer and crime fiction reviewer for the Mail on Sunday. His first book Into The Badlands explores 'a vital mix of literary criticism, personality profile, and imaginary geography' (New Statesman and Society) and has become a crime fiction classic. His true crime account of a notorious miscarriage of justice, Bloody Valentine, is a cult classic, described by Benjamin Zephaniah as his favourite book. Since then he's written eight more books including the Cardiff Trilogy of novels and biographies of Michael X, Shirely Bassey and Eartha Kitt.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Grey in the Dark John Lincoln
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Oldcastle Books Ltd
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