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The Jungle Joe Robertson

The Jungle von Joe Robertson

The Jungle Joe Robertson

Zustand - Wie Neu
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They're just across the Channel, right on our doorstep. Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson's The Jungle premiered as a coproduction between Young Vic and the National Theatre with Good Chance Theatre, commissioned by the National Theatre, opening at the Young Vic, London, in December 2017.

The Jungle Zusammenfassung

The Jungle Joe Robertson

Okot wants nothing more than to get to the UK. Beth wants nothing more than to help him. Join the hopeful, resilient residents of 'The Jungle', the refugees and volunteers from around the globe who gather at the Afghan Cafe. They're just across the Channel, right on our doorstep. Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson's The Jungle premiered as a coproduction between Young Vic and the National Theatre with Good Chance Theatre, commissioned by the National Theatre, opening at the Young Vic, London, in December 2017. The play transferred to the Playhouse Theatre, London, in June 2018.

Über Joe Robertson

Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson, both British playwrights, are the founders of Good Chance which builds temporary theatres of hope promoting freedom of expression, creativity and dignity for everyone.
Good Chance is an Associate Company of the Young Vic Theatre and recipient of the Evening Standard Editor's Award (2016), an Empty Space Peter Brook Award (2017), and was nominated for Index on Censorship, Freedom of Expression Award.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Jungle Joe Robertson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Faber & Faber
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