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66 Ways God Loves You Jennifer Rothschild

66 Ways God Loves You von Jennifer Rothschild

66 Ways God Loves You Jennifer Rothschild

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God's Word is many things---instructive, historical, poetic. Yet to Jennifer Rothschild, the Bible is first and foremost a love letter. In 66 Ways God Loves You, she walks readers through each of the 66 books of the Bible and shows, in concise and meaningful ways, how each story is a reflection of God's love for His people.

66 Ways God Loves You Zusammenfassung

66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible Jennifer Rothschild

God deeply loves you-He loves you with an everlasting love. In 66 Ways God Loves You, Jennifer Rothschild walks you through each of the sixty-six books of the Bible and shows, in concise and thoughtful ways, how every book reflects God's love for you, such as:

  • In Genesis God fashions you with His hands.
  • In Esther He Makes you royalty.
  • In Acts God's Spirit comes to live in you.
  • In I Peter God gives you victory over suffering.

From Genesis to Revelation, each chapter includes a succinct, meaningful reading on the message of that book in the Bible, along with a simple takeaway to help you bring the message to light in your own heart and life. This lovely book is perfect for gift-giving to moms, friends, sisters, and anyone who needs to be reminded that they are known and beloved by God no matter what.

Über Jennifer Rothschild

Jennifer Rothschild has written 13 books and Bible studies, including the bestsellers, Lessons I Learned in the Dark and Self-Talk, Soul-Talk. She has appeared on Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, Life Today, and a Billy Graham television special and spoken for Women of Faith and Extraordinary Women. She is the founder of the Fresh Grounded Faith conferences and womensministry.net. She lost her sight at age 15 and regularly travels and speaks around the country, sharing her story and all God has done in her life. Jennifer lives with her family in Missouri.

Zusätzliche Informationen

66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible Jennifer Rothschild
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Thomas Nelson Publishers
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