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Murray Walker Jeanne Murray Walker

Murray Walker von Jeanne Murray Walker

Murray Walker Jeanne Murray Walker

100,99 €
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Murray Walker is acknowledged worldwide as the voice of motor racing -and the man responsible for introducing millions of viewers to the previously inaccessible world of Formula 1. Here he tells the story of his incident-packed life.

Murray Walker Zusammenfassung

Murray Walker: Unless I'm Very Much Mistaken Jeanne Murray Walker

Murray Walker is acknowledged worldwide as the voice of motor racing -and the man responsible for introducing millions of viewers to the previously inaccessible world of Formula 1. Here he tells the story of his incident-packed life. Murray Walker is seen as an institution in the sport. When the man who made famous the catchphrase Unless I'm very much mistaken...I AM very much mistaken!!! announced that he was retiring as ITV's Grand Prix commentator at the end of the 2001 season, the media reacted as if the sport itself was losing one of its biggest stars. His reputation for mistakes enhanced his reputation. He was the fan who happened to be given the keys to the commentary box - and never wanted to give them back. His high-octane delivery kept viewers on the edge of their seats, while his passion for talking about the sport he loved was matched by an all-encompassing knowledge gained through hours of painstaking research before every race. In his book he writes about his childhood and the influence that his father, British motorcycle champion Graham Walker, had on his career. Failing to match his father's achievements on the track, he made a successful career for himself in advertising which catapulted him to the top of his profession. An offer from the BBC to take over the commentary seat for their F1 broadcasts gave Walker his big opening, and it wasn't long before the infamous Murrayisms enlivened a sport which, until then, had been shrouded in a cloak of unfathomable technical jargon and mind-numbing statistics. Walker also talks about the biggest changes in the sport over the last 50 years, in particular the safety issues which came to the fore after the tragic death of Ayrton Senna.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Murray Walker: Unless I'm Very Much Mistaken Jeanne Murray Walker
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
HarperCollins Publishers
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