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Dwelling in the Land Jeanette Howard

Dwelling in the Land von Jeanette Howard

Dwelling in the Land Jeanette Howard

Zustand - Wie Neu
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If you are gay, but celibate, how do you find a way to express your identity as a believer without being defined by your sexual orientation?

Dwelling in the Land Zusammenfassung

Dwelling in the Land: Bringing same-sex attraction under the lordship of Christ Jeanette Howard

If you struggle with same-sex attraction, or know someone who does, then this book is for you. Some Christians who think of themselves as 'gay' have sought healing and sexual re-orientation. Some have chosen a freer interpretation of the biblical texts. Others don't know where they belong, or what they should believe. Still others remain gay-identified yet choose to live as celibates. All have found that their sexual orientation strongly influences, even defines, who they perceive themselves to be. But Jeanette believes that to identify herself as 'gay' does not do justice to what God has been doing in her life. As a Christian you belong to Christ. 'I have been born from on high and have a completely new DNA, God's DNA, residing in me and flowing through me,' says Jeanette. 'I am no longer a sinner but a saint. I am a daughter of the King.' With intelligence, compassion and fellow-feeling Jeanette explains what it means, as a Christian who has wrestled for the whole of her adult life with same-sex attraction, to live honestly and consistently as a Bible-believing Christian.

Dwelling in the Land Bewertungen

Jeanette Howard has laboured in ministry dealing with sexuality for decades, and is well qualified to speak to the current issues and ministry challenges involved. To read "Dwelling in the Land" is to soak in reasoned, clear, biblically based principles, lessons learned from a woman who's been there, done that, and is doing it well. -- Joe Dallas

Über Jeanette Howard

Jeanette Howard is the Director of Bethany Life Ministries. While living in California Jeanette began to address a number of personal issues including gender dysphoria, same-sex attraction, and familial relationship problems bringing each area into the light and truth of the Bible. For many years Jeanette has spoken and ministered in this difficult area. She is author of Out of Egypt and Into the Promised Land.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Dwelling in the Land: Bringing same-sex attraction under the lordship of Christ Jeanette Howard
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Lion Hudson Ltd
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