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Jane Savoie's Dressage 101 Jane Savoie

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101 von Jane Savoie

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101 Jane Savoie

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It's a simple, riddle-free system of training that places a high priority on the horse's physical and mental well-being. Beginning with the three golden rules of dressage training clarity, consistency, and kindness Jane Savoie walks you through her four stages of dressage education.

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101 Zusammenfassung

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101: The Ultimate Source of Dressage Basics in a Language You Can Understand Jane Savoie

It's a simple, riddle-free system of training that places a high priority on the horse's physical and mental well-being. Beginning with the three golden rules of dressage training clarity, consistency, and kindness Jane Savoie walks you through her four stages of dressage education.
Stage One is an introductory course in the basics, and Stage Two covers the "nuts and bolts" of training, including transitions, school figures, and movements. By the time you finish Stage Two, you'll have a happy, responsive horse that understands going forward and being straight; accepts contact so you can communicate with him through the reins; moves in a regular rhythm and a steady tempo in all three gaits; and can do transitions, circles, and turns, back up, lengthen his stride, and go sideways.
In Stage Three, Jane translates the secrets surrounding the half-halt, enabling you to put your horse "on the bit," and adding a whole new dimension to your training. You'll even be ready for some "fancy stuff" in Stage Four. Don't worry, everything in this book is well within the capacity of most horses we're simply talking about the work required in the United States Equestrian Federation's (USEF) dressage tests at Third Level. This includes collected, medium, and extended gaits; advanced lateral movements; and flying changes.

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101 Bewertungen

Whether you ride Western, English, for pleasure, or for show, you and your horse will benefit from this book. Jane Savoies delightful personality will draw you into the world of Dressage 101 through carefully guided lessons, making this book informative and very easy to read. Everyone should have this book. I couldnt put it down!

Über Jane Savoie

In 2021, the equestrian world lost a tenacious competitor, committed teacher, and extraordinarily vibrant presence. Dressage competitor, coach, instructor, speaker, and author. Jane leaves behind a legacy of learning materials she passionately created and curated over the course of a riding and teaching career that spanned decades and continents. Teaching, in all its formsfrom coaching Olympic teams to instructing amateur riders to presenting inspiring motivational talks at eventswas her calling, and one to which she gave generously, infusing every lesson with boundless energy and exciting ideas. Jane was committed to giving every rider and every experience level equal opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve goals, big and small. She found the best way to reach more individuals with in-depth training that anyone could afford was through books and videos. Through her books and videos, Janes extraordinary knowledge and innovative training techniques remain available to those seeking breakthroughs in their riding and in their lives. In this way, her true passion for teaching and learning lives on.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Jane Savoie's Dressage 101: The Ultimate Source of Dressage Basics in a Language You Can Understand Jane Savoie
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