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The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Jan-Willem Prooijen

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories von Jan-Willem Prooijen

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Jan-Willem Prooijen

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The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Zusammenfassung

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Jan-Willem Prooijen

Who believes in conspiracy theories, and why are some people more susceptible to them than others?

What are the consequences of such beliefs?

Has a conspiracy theory ever turned out to be true?

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories debunks the myth that conspiracy theories are a modern phenomenon, exploring their broad social contexts, from politics to the workplace. The book explains why some people are more susceptible to these beliefs than others and how they are produced by recognizable and predictable psychological processes.

Featuring examples such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks and climate change, The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories shows us that while such beliefs are not always irrational and are not a pathological trait, they can be harmful to individuals and society.

Über Jan-Willem Prooijen

Jan-Willem van Prooijen is an Associate Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at VU Amsterdam, and Senior Researcher at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement.


  1. Preface

    Chapter 1 -Psychology of Conspiracy Theories

    Chapter 2 - When do People Believe Conspiracy Theories?

    Chapter 3 - The Architecture of Belief

    Chapter 4 - The Social Roots of Conspiracy Theories

    Chapter 5 - Conspiracy Theories and Ideology

    Chapter 6 - Explaining and Reducing Conspiracy Theories

    Further Reading



Zusätzliche Informationen

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories Jan-Willem Prooijen
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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