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The School Bereavement Toolkit Jacquie Palmer

The School Bereavement Toolkit von Jacquie Palmer

The School Bereavement Toolkit Jacquie Palmer

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This guidebook is designed to help staff in schools support bereaved children in their care. Providing information and guidance on practical issues around bereavement and indicating some of the issues that might require extra thought or assistance, this book makes accessing relevant information as easy and quick as possible.

The School Bereavement Toolkit Zusammenfassung

The School Bereavement Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Supporting Children Jacquie Palmer

- Written to be the first point of reference and support for teachers not trained in child bereavement
- Contains photocopiable resources and tools to use with individual children as well as a whole class.
- Beautifully illustrated this guide is accessible and useful for all staff working in schools.

Über Jacquie Palmer

Jacquie Palmer ran a counselling service in a school for students with complex medical needs for ten years and gave regular in-service training to teachers on managing bereavement in schools. She is a bereaved mother and has a bereaved daughter of her own.

Lucy Spink is an illustrator who has always taken a keen interest in creating art that assists education and the understanding of ideas, particularly for those who learn best through visual learning.


Introduction Basic procedures on hearing the news and in the longer term How a bereaved child might be feeling Considerations when talking to a bereaved child Interventions in the classroom Answering difficult questions Helping classmates support their grieving friend When a child in the class dies When a bereavement needs more support Support for the carers Helpful organisations References and bibliography

Zusätzliche Informationen

The School Bereavement Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Supporting Children Jacquie Palmer
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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