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The Rock Factory Jacqui Bailey

The Rock Factory von Jacqui Bailey

The Rock Factory Jacqui Bailey

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The Rock Factory Zusammenfassung

The Rock Factory: A Story about Rocks and Stones Jacqui Bailey

A brand new edition of The Rock Factory from the Science Works series, featuring lively storytelling and fun, engaging illustrations to aid children in their learning. Deep down underground the Earth's rock factory is mixing and melting, and squeezing and stirring, and baking and making rocks. In this revised edition from Jacqui Bailey, The Rock Factory tells the story of how a special sort of stone formed deep inside the Earth, and came to the surface thousands of millions of years later. The Rock Factory looks at how minerals turn into rock crystals, how the Earth is structured and how volcanoes happen. This book also contains an experiment, useful websites and an index. Book band: Lime Ideal for KS2.

Über Jacqui Bailey

Jacqui Bailey has spent a lot of her adult life working with children's books. She has been an editor and publisher of everything from picture books to encyclopaedias, but mostly enjoys finding out amazing bits of information and then writing about them. She is an award-winning author with more than 20 children's information books to her name, including A Cartoon History of the Earth series. Jacqui lives in London - and thinks it is the best city in the world.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Rock Factory: A Story about Rocks and Stones Jacqui Bailey
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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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