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Cerebral Palsy: A Story Ilana Estelle

Cerebral Palsy: A Story von Ilana Estelle

Cerebral Palsy: A Story Ilana Estelle

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Living with cerebral palsy is enormously difficult. But what if you never knew you had it? This is the incredible story of Ilana Stankler.

Cerebral Palsy: A Story Zusammenfassung

Cerebral Palsy: A Story: Finding the Calm After the Storm Ilana Estelle

Living with cerebral palsy is enormously difficult. But what if you never knew you had it? This is the incredible story of Ilana Stankler. Born the second of premature twins, an hour apart, from a young age Ilana knew she was different, but for all the wrong reasons. A child of the 60s, Ilana experienced first-hand the way that disability was, at the time, so often brushed under the carpet, not spoken about. Her constant physical and mental struggles made her feel isolated, alone, frustrated, and misunderstood... and it took 46 years for her to find out why. Part memoir, part motivational guide, Cerebral Palsy: My story is Ilana's open and honest journey from an angry, confused child, knowing something was wrong, not knowing what was wrong, what her disability was, or that there was a diagnosis - to the `real' her - a courageous woman using her experiences and lessons to create inspiring messages about mental and physical health, resilience and change.

Über Ilana Estelle

Ilana's cerebral palsy diagnosis was hidden from her until the age of 46. That diagnosis was a life-changing moment that allowed Ilana to look at her life experiences differently. Months after her diagnosis, she set up her website The CP Diary. Ilana spends her days writing and blogging about things that contribute to her health and wellbeing. She uses her experiences to write, bringing clarity into her life. She writes about health and wellbeing, advocating positivity, empathy and understanding through her blog, and across social media. Ilana who is passionate about the environment and is an animal advocate, lives with her husband and their much-loved cat, in Yorkshire. When she is not writing, Ilana enjoys days out exploring the beautiful north Yorkshire countryside.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Cerebral Palsy: A Story: Finding the Calm After the Storm Ilana Estelle
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
RedDoor Press
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