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Job Hunting in 4 Weeks Hilton Catt

Job Hunting in 4 Weeks von Hilton Catt

Job Hunting in 4 Weeks Hilton Catt

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A dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for job hunting success. This book includes four bestselling and proven Teach Yourself In a Week books in one great-value package.

Job Hunting in 4 Weeks Zusammenfassung

Job Hunting in 4 Weeks: The Complete Guide to Success: Teach Yourself Hilton Catt

Job Hunting In 4 Weeks is a comprehensive guide to finding and getting your perfect job giving you everything you need to know in one place. Made up of four bestselling books in one, this book delivers a complete course in job hunting. From crafting the perfect CV and finding the job of your dreams, to writing a great cover letter and winning at interview you'll discover all the tools, techniques and strategies you need to get your job hunting right.

This book introduces you to the main themes and ideas of job hunting, giving you a knowledge and understanding of the key concepts, together with practical and thought-provoking exercises. Whether you choose to work through it like a 4 week course or dip in and out, Job Hunting In 4 Weeks is your fastest route to success:

Week 1: CVs In A Week
Week 2: Searching For Jobs In A Week
Week 3: Successful Cover Letters In A Week
Week 4: Succeeding At Interviews In A Week

In A Week books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From negotiating and content marketing to finance and social media, the In A Week series covers the business topics that really matter and that will help you make a difference today. Written in straightforward English, each book is structured as a seven-day course so that with just a little work each day, you will quickly master the subject. In a fast-changing world, this series enables readers not just to get up to speed, but to get ahead.

Über Hilton Catt

Pat Scudamore and Hilton Catt are experienced careers consultants and trainers, and the authors of many successful books on career management. Pat Scudamore and Hilton Catt are experienced careers consultants and trainers, and the authors of many successful books on career management.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Job Hunting in 4 Weeks: The Complete Guide to Success: Teach Yourself Hilton Catt
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John Murray Press
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