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Chillies: a Book of Recipes Helen Sudell

Chillies: A Book of Recipes von Helen Sudell

Chillies: a Book of Recipes Helen Sudell

4,69 €
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A celebration of the versatile chilli, with 30 fiery recipes for soups, salsas, snacks, main meals and salads, as well as a handy guide to the different types of chilli.

Chillies: a Book of Recipes Zusammenfassung

Chillies: a Book of Recipes Helen Sudell

This is an inspiring introduction to this fiery, red hot ingredient, with 30 mouth-tingling recipes. It is a celebration of the versatility, fiery taste and therapeutic properties of chillies. It includes chilli recipes from around the world, such as Spicy Chicken Broth, Chilli Rellenos, Beef with Jalapeno Chillies, and the classic Chilli Con Carne. It has a concise introduction that describes the range of chillies available, and provides hints and tips on preparation and cooking techniques. There are hot and spciy recipes for soups, salsas, appetizers, quick snacks, main meals, vegetarian dishes and salads. It is beautifully illustrated with over 100 photographs. It offers a nutritional breakdown for each recipe that will help with dietary planning. Whether mild and subtle, or mouth-searingly hot, chillies are loved throughout the world and feature in traditional dishes from many cuisines. This concise cookbook draws on spicy dishes from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. The introduction provides a visual guide to the different types of chillies available and which varieties are best for each type of dish. There then follows over 25 mouthwatering recipes that will reveal just how versatile an ingredient the chilli pepper is. If you love food with a kick to it try Cajun Blacked Fish with Papaya Salad or Thai Green Curry, or choose from a selection of vegetarian dishes including Chilli Cheese Tortilla with Coriander Salsa, and Chilli and Pak Choi Omelette Parcels. The inspiring selection of salsas, from mild and creamy guacamole to scorchingly hot Habanero salsa, will set your taste buds alight. Each recipe is beautifully photographed, with easy-to-follow instructions that will ensure a great result every time, making this little cookbook the perfect introduction to chillies.

Über Helen Sudell

Helen Sudell is an established cooking editor, writer and gardener who loves to spice up her cooking with ingredients that you can grow easily yourself. For this volume she has gathered the recipes from a wide range of food writers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Chillies: a Book of Recipes Helen Sudell
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Anness Publishing
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