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Textbook of Dementia Care Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

Textbook of Dementia Care von Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

Textbook of Dementia Care Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

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Textbook of Dementia Care Zusammenfassung

Textbook of Dementia Care: An Integrated Approach Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

Textbook of Dementia Care: An Integrated Approach gives an overview of dementia care at a level appropriate to health and social care students, as well as providing an update to experienced practitioners. Authors come from a variety of backgrounds including nursing, psychiatry, medicine, psychology and allied health professions. There is a good mix of content from experienced new authors, academics and practitioners.

The book offers:

  • a comprehensive list of contributors from different disciplines
  • input from people living with dementia and their family carers
  • relevant research to inform practice
  • case examples to illustrate and inform the text.

While directed primarily at a nursing and social care readership, the book also provides a readable general text appropriate for all involved in dementia care. It is written by expert practitioners in the field, many of whom are leaders in practice-based research. It incorporates the expertise of representatives of Alzheimer Scotland, but also includes accounts of people living with dementia, families, and carers, giving the reader a unique insight into the disease.

Über Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

Graham A. Jackson is Emeritus Alzheimer Scotland Professor of Dementia Care at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. Debbie Tolson is Alzheimer Scotland Professor of Dementia and Director of the Alzheimer Centre for Policy and Practice at the University of the West of Scotland, UK.



Part I: Dementia in context

1. Introduction Graham A. Jackson and Debbie Tolson

2. Policy perspectives Graham A. Jackson, Debbie Tolson and Lindsay Kinnaird

3. Relationships, values and dementia care: Promoting reciprocity and interdependence Tony Ryan and Mike Nolan

4. Early diagnosis: Turning policy into practice Stephen Lithgow and Robert Boyd

5. Where does dementia sit in modern society? Karen Watchman

6. Dementia and the family: Motivations for caring Janice McAlister and Irene Graham

7. Dementia-friendly communities Sandra Shafii and Arlene Crockett

8. The care environment and dementia Mary Marshall

Part II: Supporting people with dementia

9. Dementia and physical health: Understanding the physical impact of dementia Graham Ellis and Trudi Marshall

10. General hospital care of people with dementia Amanda Johnston and Christine Steel

11. Palliative and end of life care Jenny Henderson and Barbara Sharp

12. Legal and ethical issues in dementia care Donald Lyons

13. Education, training and dementia Anna Jack-Waugh and Margaret Brown

14. The impact of later life illnesses on people living with dementia F.J. Raymond Duffy

Part III: Specific issues in dementia care

15. Caring interventions Debbie Tolson and Bryan Mitchell

16. Psychiatric symptoms in dementia Paul Brown, Adam Daly and Graham A. Jackson

17.. Medication and dementia Guy Holloway and Lucy Stirland

18. Delirium Rekha Hegde and Ajay Macharouthu

19. Younger person with dementia Louise Ritchie

20. Down's syndrome and dementia Karen Watchman and Sam Quinn

21. Dementia and human rights: The view from someone who is living with dementia James McKillop

Part IV: Future practice

22. Advances in knowledge Debbie Tolson and Graham A. Jackson

Zusätzliche Informationen

Textbook of Dementia Care: An Integrated Approach Graham A Jackson (University of the West of Scotland, UK)
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