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Protection Gj Moffat

Protection von Gj Moffat

Protection Gj Moffat

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1


Sometimes even a serial killer needs a bodyguard.

Protection Zusammenfassung

Protection Gj Moffat

Could you spot a killer?

Logan Finch's life depends on his ability to do just that. He's a bodyguard whose clients rely on his talent to head off trouble before it even starts. Now he's got his toughest job yet - protecting American serial killer Chase Black who has been released from prison on a technicality and is in London promoting his memoirs.

Colorado Homicide Detective Jake Hunter, the man who put Black in jail, thought that he could spot a killer. Now he's not so sure. And the more he investigates the more he wonders whether a miscarriage of justice really did occur. The trouble is: if Black is innocent the real killer must still be at large.

Finch becomes convinced that someone is hunting Black, and as violence erupts on both sides of the Atlantic he finds himself caught between his duty to a client and the instinct to survive the increasingly deranged individual that wants him dead.

Protection is a terrifying journey that reveals the true darkness residing in the human heart.

Über Gj Moffat

GJ Moffat is a father, husband, writer and lawyer though sometimes he's not quite sure in what order. He always had the urge to write about good guys and bad guys and his thrillers bring them to life in glorious Technicolor. He is married with two little girls.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Protection Gj Moffat
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Headline Publishing Group
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