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Purple Ronnie's Star Signs Giles Andreae

Purple Ronnie's Star Signs von Giles Andreae

Purple Ronnie's Star Signs Giles Andreae

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Purple Ronnie's Star Signs Zusammenfassung

Purple Ronnie's Star Signs Giles Andreae

First, a quick word from Ronnie himself: 'Star signs are a brilliant way of finding out about someone's character. You can discover anything you like including what everyone's secretest rude fantasies are. The stars will tell you what you look like, who your friends are, how your love life is, what you're like at Doing It and who you should be Doing It with.' In a nutshell, everything you need to know about your self and your future in one beautifully illustrated book! Purple Ronnie's Star Signs is the fruit of years of astrological research by the purple mage himself and contains all the stuff he has discovered after gazing for ages through his gigantic telescope and doing loads of complicated sums and charts and stuff.

Über Giles Andreae

Purple Ronnie is the creation of the writer and creative Giles Andreae. With over 35 million cards and 2 million books sold in the UK, Purple Ronnie is now one of the most successful licensed characters in the country.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Purple Ronnie's Star Signs Giles Andreae
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Pan Macmillan
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