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Yo, Blair! Geoffrey Wheatcroft

Yo, Blair! von Geoffrey Wheatcroft

Yo, Blair! Geoffrey Wheatcroft

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Argues that Tony Blair has signally failed in his principal responsibility to defend the interests of his country. This work shows how he has devalued Britain in the eyes of the world and reduced us to a client state of Washington.

Yo, Blair! Zusammenfassung

Yo, Blair!: Tony Blair's Disastrous Premiership Geoffrey Wheatcroft

"We want you to get up the arse of the White House and stay there." Blair aid Jonathan Powell to incumbent US Ambassador Christopher Meyer in 2001 Bestselling journalist and writer Geoffrey Wheatcroft's timely and coruscating polemic argues that Tony Blair has signally failed in his principal responsibility to defend the interests of his country. Instead, by taking us to war on America's coattails, by reducing British foreign policy to the level of self-righteous soundbites and expensive foreign travel, and by chasing his childish infatuation with his own image as an international statesman, Tony Blair has doggedly pursued the interests of the United States whilst blatantly disregarding the warnings from his own experts and the demands and needs of his own people. "Yo, Blair!", the childish and slightly disdainful aside from Bush to Blair caught embarrassingly on microphone at the St. Petersburg summit served to underline the Prime Minister's pathetic subservience to the President. From the beginning Blair was 'a Prime Minister without a party', now he is in office but not in power, a lame duck Prime Minister, ineffectual, unloved and perceived by all, at home and abroad, as slightly sinister. Geoffrey Wheatcroft's extraordinary and immaculately structured attack picks apart the legacy and the unstoppable ego of the man who led Labour to three successive election victories, and shows how, through his relentless assaults on individual freedom and his eagerness to involve us in a needless, illegal and unpopular war on flagrantly false pretences, he has devalued Britain in the eyes of the world and reduced us to a client state of Washington.

Yo, Blair! Bewertungen

"It's worse than you think... I really believe in it." Tony Blair on the Iraq War 'An outstandingly good writer' Adrian Wooldridge, Daily Mail 'Rarely has a wake proved so much fun' Sunday Times 'A rattling good read' Spectator 'Every page of this book is a firework party, full of great sparks and explosions' Mail on Sunday 'Thoroughly enjoyable...we get all the gossip: the bitterness, rancour and contumely, and there are several smoking guns' Ron Liddle"

Über Geoffrey Wheatcroft

Geoffrey Wheatcroft is a household name, an author, commentator and journalist. His most recent book was The Strange Death of Tory England. His journalism appeals across a broad spectrum. He has regularly written for the Guardian, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Spectator, The TLS, The New York Times and Atlantic Monthly. He lives near Bath and is married to the painter and fashion designer Sally Muir.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Yo, Blair!: Tony Blair's Disastrous Premiership Geoffrey Wheatcroft
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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Methuen Publishing Ltd
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