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White Crane Geoffrey Waters

White Crane von Geoffrey Waters

White Crane Geoffrey Waters

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Songs of love by the sixth Dalai Lama.

White Crane Zusammenfassung

White Crane: Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama Geoffrey Waters

A poetry and life unique in the lineage of the Dalai Lama. The sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso (1683-1706), refused to take full monastic vows and returned to the world, loving alcohol, archery, and women with a passion that perhaps suggests he had a premonition of his early death at the age of twenty-four.

Über Geoffrey Waters

Geoffrey Waters has a PhD in Classic Chinese from Indiana University. His other books of translation include Broken Willow: The Complete Poems of Yu Xuanji and Three Elegies of Ch'u.

Zusätzliche Informationen

White Crane: Love Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama Geoffrey Waters
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
White Pine Press
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