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Freshwater Fish Parasites Gadadhar Dash

Freshwater Fish Parasites von Gadadhar Dash

Freshwater Fish Parasites Gadadhar Dash

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Freshwater Fish Parasites Zusammenfassung

Freshwater Fish Parasites Gadadhar Dash

The entitled book Freshwater Fish Parasites spread over 10 s, with complete pictorial guide of different fresh water fish parasites all over the country. The detail etiology, clinical signs , prophylaxis and treatment of parasitic diseases have been discussed in a simplified manner for easy understanding of students,researchers,teachers,scientists and farmers in the field .The book covers most interesting s and will guide to identify and manage parasitic diseases including some aspects of latest developments in fish parasitological research. A comprehensive approach has been made to cover all the progressive areas of parasitic disease management starting from identification of the parasites, basic status of diseases towards various approaches to diagnose, prevent and control disease conditions. The parasitic problems of different fishes, like indigenous fishes, exotic fishes of commercial importance, sport fishes and ornamental fishes have been addressed to give a complete parasitic disease profile on total fishery. The behavior of the hosts, interrelationship of soil and water with parasitized hosts, and mechanism of parasitic attachment are important aspects of the concerned book.


01. Parasites - An Overview 02. Introduction to Freswater Fish Parasites 03. Diseases, Parasites and other Maladies 04. Parasitism Versus Water Quality Parameters 05. Machanism of Parasitic Attachment in Fish 06. Zoonotic Potentiality of Parasites in Cultivable Food Fishes 07. Effect of Parasites on Fish Behaviour 08. Diseases and Parasites of Sports Fishes 09. Parasites on Exotic Fishes 10. Parasites Picutre Gallery

Zusätzliche Informationen

Freshwater Fish Parasites Gadadhar Dash
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
New India Publishing Agency
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