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The Conjuror's Apprentice G.J. Williams

The Conjuror's Apprentice von G.J. Williams

The Conjuror's Apprentice G.J. Williams

Zustand - Wie Neu
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When a battered body is more than murder...it heralds the end of a dynasty.

The Conjuror's Apprentice Zusammenfassung

The Conjuror's Apprentice G.J. Williams

Longlisted for the Historical Fiction Company Book of the Year 2022 Recipient of the 'Highly Recommended' award of excellence from The Historical Fiction Company Born with the ability to hear thoughts and feelings when there is no sound, Margaretta Morgan's strange gift sees her apprenticed to Doctor John Dee, mathematician, astronomer, and alchemist. Using her secret link with the hidden side and her master's brilliance, Margaretta faces her first murder mystery. In the cruel time of Tudor England, Margaretta and Dee must uncover the evil bound to unravel the court of Bloody Mary. The year is 1555. This is a time ruled by fear. What secrets await to be pulled from the water?

Über G.J. Williams

G.J. Williams is Welsh but raised in England. She grew up in Somerset where history, story-telling and adventure were the stuff of life. She wrote as a child but then a career in academia followed by international consulting meant that it was some years before the love of crafting a tale came back to the forefront of life. G.J. Williams now lives between London and Somerset and is often found writing on the train journey next to a grumpy cat and a cup of tea. The tap of the keyboard keys transports her to medieval England and all the sounds, smells and intrigues of life. When not writing, life is a busy muddle of research, travelling to historic sites, walking, woodwork, or sailing the blue seas on her beloved boat. She has one dream as a writer - to be chosen by readers who love the greats such as CJ Sansom, SJ Parris and Rory Clements and to see John Dee and Margaretta win the hearts of all who pick up The Conjuror's Apprentice.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Conjuror's Apprentice G.J. Williams
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Ember Press
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