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Rain Making Ford Harding

Rain Making von Ford Harding

Rain Making Ford Harding

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In the knowledge economy, people may be hired for their technical or creative abilities. However, their promotion track still depends on their ability to sell themselves, their organisations, and develop new business. The guide covers: how to generate leads, how to convert leads into new business, and how to assemble tactics into strategies.

Rain Making Zusammenfassung

Rain Making: Attract New Clients No Matter What Your Field Ford Harding

Sell and Market Like a Pro!

In this new edition of his classic book, Rain Making, Ford Harding reveals step by step how--even if you've never sold a product in your life--you can become a top performer in your organization. Filled with easy-to-use strategies, checklists, tables, and guides, this book shows you how to:
  • Write articles for professional publications
  • Make cold calls like a sales pro
  • Network to build a lasting customer base
  • Develop a winning sales strategy

With this book at your fingertips, you'll get the marketing and sales skills you need to survive--and flourish--one sale at a time!

Über Ford Harding

An Adams Media author.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Rain Making: Attract New Clients No Matter What Your Field Ford Harding
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Adams Media Corporation
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