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Fanny Erica Jong

Fanny von Erica Jong

Fanny Erica Jong

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A rollicking tale...a tour de force.-Newsweek

Fanny Zusammenfassung

Fanny: Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones Erica Jong

Discovered on the doorstep of a country estate in Wiltshire, England, the infant Fanny is raised to womanhood by her adoptive parents, Lord and Lady Bellars. Fanny wants to become the epic poet of the age, but her plans are dashed when she is ravished by her libertine stepfather. Fleeing to London, Fanny falls in with idealistic witches and highwaymen who teach her of worlds she never knew existed. After toiling in a London brothel that caters to literati, Fanny embarks on a series of adventures that teach her what she must know to live and prosper as a woman. Soon to be a major Broadway musical. Reading group guide included.

Über Erica Jong

Erica Jong is the author of eight novels-including Fear of Flying-six books of poetry, and several works of nonfiction. She lives in New York City and Connecticut.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Fanny: Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones Erica Jong
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WW Norton & Co
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