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Outcaste Ellen Renner

Outcaste von Ellen Renner

Outcaste Ellen Renner

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Zara is on a quest for revenge - but is she amongst friends, or the bitterest of enemies? Fleeing from the dangerous and powerful mage society she has betrayed, Zara has taken refuge in the Maker city of Gengst, where she knows she will face persecution and death if her identity is uncovered.

Outcaste Zusammenfassung

Outcaste Ellen Renner

Zara is on a quest for revenge - but is she amongst friends, or the bitterest of enemies? Fleeing from the dangerous and powerful mage society she has betrayed, Zara has taken refuge in the Maker city of Gengst, where she knows she will face persecution and death if her identity is uncovered. She must live without magic, and even though she can finally be with the man she loves, her new life is far from the utopia she had dreamt it would be. As the Knowledge Seekers work together to build machines powerful enough to end the centuries-long war between the mages and the non-magical Makers, Zara finds her loyalties and love tested to breaking point. She must face the evil that is her heritage, uncover the truth behind the childhood tragedy that haunts her - and find the strength to believe in herself.

Outcaste Bewertungen

Ellen Renner's Tribute [uses] the [fantasy] genre to say something deeply resonant about our own world. -- SF Said, author of VARJAK PAW
Spellbinding ... absorbing ... outstanding * The Guardian (Praise for TRIBUTE) *

Über Ellen Renner

Ellen Renner was born in the USA, but came to England in her twenties, married here, and now lives in an old house in Devon with her husband and son. Ellen originally trained as a painter and surrounds herself with sketches of her characters as she writes. She spins wool as well as stories, knitting and weaving when time allows. She plays the violin, fences (badly!) and collects teapots and motorcycles. Her first book, CASTLE OF SHADOWS, won the Cornerstones Wow Factor Competition, the 2010 North East Book Award and was chosen for both THE INDEPENDENT and THE TIMES summer reading lists and, along with the sequel CITY OF THIEVES, was included on THE TIMES list of best children's books of 2010. TRIBUTE was Ellen's first YA book, and you can follow her at www.ellenrenner.com or on Twitter: @Ellen_Renner

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Outcaste Ellen Renner
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