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Home Ellen DeGeneres

Home von Ellen DeGeneres

Home Ellen DeGeneres

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Beloved comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres opens up for the first time about her love of home design and style.

Home Zusammenfassung

Home Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres has bought and renovated nearly a dozen homes over the last twenty-five years, and has launched a design show on HGTV: Ellen's Design Challenge. In Home, she will, for the first time, open up about her love of home design and style. DeGeneres believes, "You don't have to have money to have good taste," and she plans to share her secrets and design ideas, with advice on how to get high-end looks on a mid-level budget.

DeGeneres, who describes her real-estate and renovating adventures over the last twenty-five years as "an education," has long been passionate about design. "I think I wanted to be an interior designer when I was thirteen," DeGeneres said.

Full of hundreds of beautiful photographs of seven of her own homes, as well as places she visits for inspiration, this book will be a treasure trove of beautiful rooms and hundreds of ideas and tips on putting together the home you've always wanted.

Über Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres is a beloved stand-up comedian, television host, bestselling author and Emmy-winning actress. She hosts the syndicated talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show and is the Executive Producer of Ellen's Design Challenge. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller Seriously...I'm Kidding, published by Grand Central.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Home Ellen DeGeneres
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Little, Brown & Company
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