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The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit Edward Snelson

The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit von Edward Snelson

The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit Edward Snelson

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Helps healthcare professionals approach the initial assessment and management of paediatric cases commonly encountered by Junior Doctors, GP's, GP Specialty Trainee's and allied healthcare professionals. This book provides a problem/symptom based approach to common paediatric conditions.

The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit Zusammenfassung

The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit: Study Text Edward Snelson

A clear and concise clinical handbook on how to approach the initial assessment of common paediatric cases encountered by Junior Doctors, GP s, GP Specialty Trainees and Allied Healthcare Professionals.

Über Edward Snelson

Edward Snelson: After working as a GP partner for five years Edward decided to become a hospital paediatrician based on a desire to spend all of his time doing what he enjoys most, treating children. He is also an enthusiastic teacher of colleagues and medical students. During his career, Edward has gained a great deal of experience treating children and teaching in a variety of environments. It is with this in mind that he has written this book as a quick reference guide to help doctors deal effectively with common paediatric problems.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Essential Clinical Handbook for Common Paediatric Cases: A practical guide to assessing children in General Practice, A&E and the Paediatric Assessment Unit: Study Text Edward Snelson
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BPP Learning Media
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