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Bodywork Therapies for Women Delcia McNeil

Bodywork Therapies for Women von Delcia McNeil

Bodywork Therapies for Women Delcia McNeil

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Being in contact with our health on all levels, physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual is important. This guide describes and highlights the effectiveness of non-invasive treatments, sensitivity and intuition. There are self-help techniques and a resources section.

Bodywork Therapies for Women Zusammenfassung

Bodywork Therapies for Women: A Guide Delcia McNeil

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Introduction; bodywork therapies and the holistic approach to health; the meaning of illness; touch and contact; the massage therapies; the manipulation therapies and postural education; zones, meridians and pressure point therapies; the metaphysical therapies; psychotherapy and the body, hypnotherapy, and rebirthing; convergence therapies; looking for a practitioner or therapist. Appendix: an alphabetical list, giving definitions, of bodywork therapies not talked about in detail in the book, and alternative and complementary therapies that are important but are outside the scope of this book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Bodywork Therapies for Women: A Guide Delcia McNeil
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The Women's Press Ltd
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