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BMW David Hodges

BMW von David Hodges


Through captions and a selection of photographs, Hodges tells the story of one of the world's premier car manufacturers. This is a title intended for BMW enthusiasts everywhere.

BMW Zusammenfassung

BMW David Hodges

Through captions and a selection of photographs, Hodges tells the story of one of the world's premier car manufacturers. This title traces the history of BMW cars since the first Dixi, through its early classics, notably the 328 sports car, and then the struggle of the company to re-establish production after World War II. In addition, there is a section on the largely abortive prestige cars of the 1950s contrasting with the bubble cars that proved important to BMW's survival.The book covers the 60s, with the simple lines of medium-size saloons showcased. Growth through the expanding ranges is also traced. Cars of the modern era are also explored in detail, from the sports models built in America to the 7 and 8 series prestige ranges. BMW's sporting heritage is also covered from the earliest rally successes to the saloon car racing triumphs at the end of the 20th century. This is a title intended for BMW enthusiasts everywhere.


Formative years; difficult years; fresh start; 3 series; 5 series; supreme coupes; 7 series; modern sports cars; m specialities; a quarter of a century of motor sport; prototypes and concept cars; special relationships.

Zusätzliche Informationen

BMW David Hodges
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The History Press Ltd
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