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Pause Danielle North

Pause von Danielle North

Pause Danielle North

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Pause Zusammenfassung

Pause: How to press pause before life does it for you Danielle North

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Über Danielle North

Danielle North has a long work history as a successful executive coach in the corporate industry, working with top-level executives at companies such as HSBC, McKinsey Unilever and SAP. She has more than 13 years experience working with leaders in 20 different countries; and spent 3 years living and working in Asia, where she set up a pioneering coaching company and an award winning change management consultancy. After learning that goals and ambitions could be just as happily and successfully achieved when simply allowing the body and mind to pause, she adapted her coaching style with both personal and corporate clients to flow rather than fight against the ups and downs of life. Find out more about Danielle at www.lifebydanielle.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Pause: How to press pause before life does it for you Danielle North
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Octopus Publishing Group
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