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Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones Crystal Bowman

Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones von Crystal Bowman

Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones Crystal Bowman

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Get little ones excited about the stories of the Bible with Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones, full of fun illustrations, bold colors, and interactive prompts for parent and child to do together.

Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones Zusammenfassung

Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones Crystal Bowman

God told Noah, "Build a boat,

long and wide so it will float."

Two by two the creatures came.

Some were wild, some were tame.

Get little ones excited about the stories of the Bible with Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones. Children will love reading through the eight beloved stories from the Old and New Testaments, including Noah's Ark, Daniel and the Lions' Den, and The Lost Sheep. At the end of each story is an activity encouraging readers to "Go Wild" and flap their arms like a bird or roar like a lion. So have fun with this padded cover board book and go explore the wonders of the Bible!

Über Crystal Bowman

Crystal Bowman loves writing books for kids. Her books come in all shapes and sizes and many of them have become best sellers. Whether her stories are written in playful rhythm and rhyme, or short sentences for beginning readers, she tries to make them so enjoyable that kids will want to read them over and over again. "But the most important part," she says, "is to teach children that God loves them and cares about them very much."

Zusätzliche Informationen

Go Wild! Bible Stories for Little Ones Crystal Bowman
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