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Terror within Clive Bloom

Terror within von Clive Bloom

Terror within Clive Bloom

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Terror within

Terror within Zusammenfassung

Terror within: Terrorism and the Dream of a British Republic Clive Bloom

We live in an age of terrorism and like to think that the United Kingdom is a reasonably peaceful place, largely untroubled by the atrocity committed by foreign fanatics. This book throws light on the links between English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh republicanism and shows how the anti-terror state was born not in 2001 but in the 1790s.

Über Clive Bloom

Clive Bloom is Professor of English and American Studies at Middlesex University. His many books cover popular literature, cultural history and politics and he has a special interest in the marginal and forgotten byways of our artistic and historical past. His most recent books include Bestsellers: Bestselling Fiction Since 1900 and Violent London: 2000 Years of Riots, Rebels and Revolts.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Terror within: Terrorism and the Dream of a British Republic Clive Bloom
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
The History Press Ltd
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