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Nelson Christopher Hibbert

Nelson von Christopher Hibbert

Nelson Christopher Hibbert

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A fresh look at the one-eyed, one-armed scoundrel of the seas, and the most celebrated admiral of all time.

Nelson Zusammenfassung

Nelson: A Personal History Christopher Hibbert

In this coloful, absorbing tale of Nelson's life on and off the high seas, Hibbert illuminates the admiral's personality, his personal and political friendships, his relationship with Sir William Hamilton, and his passionate love affair with Hamilton's wife, the beautiful Lady Emma, daughter of a blacksmith and once a London prostitute. Whether quarreling with royalty, wooing beautiful women around the world, or winning history's most famous sea battles, Hibbert's irascible Nelson is a character for all times.

Über Christopher Hibbert

Christopher Hibbert has written many well-received biographies, including, most recently, Queen Victoria. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an honourary Doctor of Letters of Leicester University.


* Burnham Thorpe * Chatham, the Arctic and the West Indies * The Mosquito Shore * The North American Station * France and the Leeward Islands * The Island of Nevis * Norfolk * The Mediterranean * The Palazzo Sessa * Corsica * Cape St Vincent * Cadiz and Tenerife * Bath, London and Toulon * Ab Qr * Naples * Naples * Palazzo Reale * Palermo * The Bay of Naples * The Colli Palace * Germany * London and Fonthill * The Channel * The Kattegat * Copenhagen * The Thames Valley and Boulogne * Merton Place * The West Country * Surrey * The Victory * Return to Merton * Portsmouth * The Atlantic Approaches * Trafalgar * Mourning * St Pauls * The Fate of Characters Whose End Is Not Recorded in the Text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Nelson: A Personal History Christopher Hibbert
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
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