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Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach Chloe Catchpole

Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach von Chloe Catchpole

Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach Chloe Catchpole

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Definitive and user-friendly recovery and support books with a compassionate, straightforward and innovative approach, helping sufferers to recover from mental health issues.

Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach Zusammenfassung

Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach: 2017 Chloe Catchpole

This book is brought to you by Trigger Press, as part of our innovative and philanthropic Pullingthetrigger range. Find out more at www.trigger-press.com. Written by a woman who has suffered from debilitating body image issues and two leading clinical psychologists, this book provides simple yet highly effective self-help methods to help you overcome body image concerns and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). In Part I we follow Chloe Catchpole's desperate struggle with her body dissatisfaction, BDD, and depression. We learn how body dysmorphia tore her life apart, turning a happy, sociable young girl into someone who hid herself away from the world. She was so afraid of being seen in public that she dropped out of school and became a prisoner in her own bedroom. It wasn't until Chloe met clinical psychologists Lauren Callaghan and Annemarie O'Connor that she started to believe recovery was possible. With their help, she learned about the illness that was dominating her life and learned effective strategies to challenge and overcome her BDD. In Part II, Lauren and Annemarie guide us through the treatment and recovery approach that they used with Chloe. It is a user-friendly, evidence-based approach which supports people suffering from body image issues and BDD as they go through the treatment process, liberating them from their body image concerns.

Über Chloe Catchpole

Lauren Callaghan (CPsychol, PGDipClinPsych, PgCert, MA (hons), LLB (hons), BA), born and educated in New Zealand, is an innovative industry leading psychologist based in London. Lauren was a psychologist at the specialist national treatment centres for severe obsessional problems in the UK and is renowned as an expert in the field of mental health, recognised for diagnosing and successfully treating OCD and anxiety related illnesses in particular Dr Annemarie O'Connor (CPsychol, DClinPsy. PgCert, BSc) is a clinical psychologist with over fifteen years experience of assessing, understanding and treating anxiety and related psychological difficulties. She has worked as a national specialist treating people who have body image concerns or Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and has co-founded The Body Image Clinic; a clinic that specifically provides effective evidence based treatment for body image concerns. Annemarie is an active supporter of the BDD Foundation, the UK leading charity for BDD. Chloe Catchpole has suffered from BDD since her mid-teens. Alongside BDD, Chloe also suffered from anxiety and depression which impacted her academia. Her refuge was film and she became increasingly interested in a career in film criticism. Chloe is extremely passionate about raising awareness for body dysmorphic disorder, a little-known disorder which can be utterly debilitating.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Body Image Problems and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Definitive Treatment and Recovery Approach: 2017 Chloe Catchpole
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Welbeck Publishing Group
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