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Romantic Scotland Charles Maclean

Romantic Scotland von Charles Maclean

Romantic Scotland Charles Maclean

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It may be Europe's last great wilderness, but Scotland is an ancient civilization with a unique culture. It was, perhaps, Sir Walter Scott who managed to rewrite Scotland's history as a heroic dramatic pageant. This book is a photographic tribute to the glory of the country and its people.

Romantic Scotland Zusammenfassung

Romantic Scotland Charles Maclean

Two hundred and fifty years ago, Scotland meant only the lowlands; the mountains of the north were regarded as a separate country, where any traveller was well advised to make a will before venturing. It was Sir Walter Scott s genial achievement to promote a unified Scotland in unfading images of heroism and romance, rewriting her history not as the grim blood-stained business it was but as a colourful dramatic pageant. This romantic view was taken to its limits by Victoria and Albert, whose passion for the Highlands endorsed the nineteenth-century vogue for all things Scottish - a fashion that continues to lure millions every year in search of enchantment north of the border. With scenic photographs and a lively commentary Romantic Scotland captures Scotland's universal appeal, amply demonstrating why this small country has earned a special place in the affections of millions worldwide.

Über Charles Maclean

Charles Maclean s books include Island on the Edge of the World, which won the 1972 Scottish Art s Council award, The Wolf Children, Target Amin, The Watcher, and Scottish Country. Descended from Lachlan the Wily and Big-Bellied Donald, Sir Charles is the 16th Captain and Keeper of Dunconnel. He lives on the west coast of Scotland where he farms sheep and runs the family hotel, thefamous Creggans Inn. Fritz von der Schulenburg s photographs have illustrated a number of books including Living in Scotland, Kenneth Turner s Flower Styl

Zusätzliche Informationen

Romantic Scotland Charles Maclean
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Orion Publishing Co
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