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Star Island Carl Hiaasen

Star Island von Carl Hiaasen

Star Island Carl Hiaasen

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A hilarious look at our celebrity-obsessed world

Star Island Zusammenfassung

Star Island Carl Hiaasen

Twenty-two-year-old pop star Cherry Pye is attempting a comeback from her latest drug and alcohol disaster. Ann DeLusia is Cherry's 'undercover stunt double', standing in for Cherry whenever the singer is too wasted to go out in public. But, one night, Ann-as-Cherry is mistakenly kidnapped from a Miami hotel by an obsessed paparazzo named Bang Abbott. Now the challenge for Cherry's handlers (comprising the world's pushiest stage mother; perverted record producer; nipped-and-tucked twin publicists; weed-strimmer-wielding bodyguard) is to rescue Ann while keeping her existence secret from the public. Will Bang achieve his fantasy of a private photo session with Cherry? Will Cherry sober up in time to lip-synch her concert tour and promote her new album, Skantily Klad? And will Ann escape from Cherry's shadow?

Star Island Bewertungen

Always sharp and deliciously funny, Hiaasen is at his satirical best in this incisive look at celebrity culture - 69 Degrees

Exhilarating return to form for the satirical Florida crime writer - The Times

His investigative journalist's eye for detail and his merciless, only-just exaggerated satire are a killer combination...wickedly funny - Sunday Times

Hiaasen is on top form here, bitingly witty - Daily Express

Über Carl Hiaasen

Carl Hiaasen was born and raised in Florida, where he still lives. He is a prize-winning journalist with a regular column in the Miami Herald and many articles in varied magazines. He started writing crime fiction in the early 1980s and has recently branched out into children's books; he has also had several works of non-fiction published.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Star Island Carl Hiaasen
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Little, Brown Book Group
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