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Fundamentals of Investment Brian O'Loughlin

Fundamentals of Investment von Brian O'Loughlin

Fundamentals of Investment Brian O'Loughlin

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An updated edition of this introduction to the fundamentals of investment, reviewing the operations of the industry post-financial crisis from a variety of perspectives.

Fundamentals of Investment Zusammenfassung

Fundamentals of Investment Brian O'Loughlin

An updated edition of this introduction to the fundamentals of investment, reviewing the operations of the industry post-financial crisis from a variety of perspectives.

  • New to this edition:
    • Reflects the myriad of changes to the investment markets since the financial crash
    • Several new case studies, including the Eurozone Sovereign Bond Markets and the Irish Banking Sector
    • New chapter on Alternative Assets.

  • Introduces investment concepts and issues in a conversational manner, using Irish case studies and examples where appropriate.

  • Examines key topics relating to investment, including:
    • Retail Investor's Choices
    • Portfolio Theory
    • Real Economy and the Markets
    • Pension Fund Investment
    • The Fund Management Industry
    • Evaluating Investment Performance.

- Students studying for industry qualifications in the banking, insurance and investment sectors
- Any university course where investment is a module
- Investment practitioners and those working in support functions, such as sales/marketing, administration and IT support within the investment, banking and insurance sectors
- Pension trustees
- Informed private investors

Über Brian O'Loughlin

Brian O'Loughlin has over thirty years' experience in stockbroking and fund management. He has held senior positions with NCB Stockbrokers, Irish Life Assurance and ABN AMRO Stockbrokers, and is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment. He is an Investment Practitioner and has lectured on several finance programmes at the Centre for Executive Education in Dublin City University, the Irish Management Institute and the Institute of Bankers.

Frank O'Brien has over thirty-five years' experience in investment and fund management. He was formerly head of fund management at Irish Life Investment Managers. He is also a founding member and former chairman of the Society of Investment Analysts in Ireland. Frank is a Certified Accountant and past president of ACCA Ireland.


Chapter 1: Introduction:
- Impact of Financial Crisis on Investment Theory and Practice
- Organisation of Book
Chapter 2: Securities Market and the Investment Assets
Chapter 3: Investing in Bonds
Chapter 4: Investing in Equities
Chapter 5: Investment Arithmetic
Chapter 6: Investment, Investors and Risk
Chapter 7: Portfolio Theory
Chapter 8: Derivatives
Chapter 9: Alternative Assets
Chapter 10: Retail Investor's Choices
Chapter 11: Pension Fund Investment [Case Study: History of Asset Allocation Strategy of the Irish Pension Fund Industry]
Chapter 12: Fund Management
Chapter 13: The Real Economy and the Markets [Case Study: The Financial Crash]
Chapter 14: Performance Measurement and Style Analysis
Chapter 15: Investment Returns: History and Prospects Long Run Structural Change Post the Financial Crash

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Fundamentals of Investment Brian O'Loughlin
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