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Thrive Brendan Brazier

Thrive von Brendan Brazier

Thrive Brendan Brazier

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The highly original plant-based diet and lifestyle plan for achieving maximum health, physical strength, and mental dexterity, developed by a top professional Ironman triathlete.

Thrive Zusammenfassung

Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life Brendan Brazier

The thrive diet is a long-term eating plan to help all athletes (professional or not) develop a lean body, sharp mind, and everlasting energy. As one of the few professional athletes on a plant-based diet, Brendan Brazier researched and developed this easy-to-follow program to enhance his performance as an elite endurance competitor. Brazier clearly describes the benefits of nutrient-rich foods in their natural state versus processed foods, and how to choose nutritionally efficient, stress-busting whole foods for maximum energy and health. Featuring a 12-week meal plan, over 100 allergen-free recipes with raw food options,including recipes for energy gels, sport drinks, and recovery foods,and a complementary exercise plan, The Thrive Diet is an authoritative guide to outstanding performance" (Neal D. Barnard, M.D., Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine).

Thrive Bewertungen

Dave Zabriskie, professional cyclist, Tour De France stage winner, and record holder of the fastest time trial in Tour De France history "Thrive is an eye-opening and a life-changing book. It should replace bibles in hotels."

Über Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier, a professional Ironman triathlete and creator of Vega nutritional products, was named one of the 25 Most Fascinating Vegetarians by VegNews Magazine in 2007. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. www.brendanbrazier.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life Brendan Brazier
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