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Whitaker's 2015 Bloomsbury

Whitaker's 2015 von Bloomsbury

Whitaker's 2015 Bloomsbury

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Quite simply, Whitaker's 2015 is the perfect book for anyone interested in current affairs and general knowledge. In its 146th edition, the book has been completely revised and updated, using the most authoritative sources available.

Whitaker's 2015 Zusammenfassung

Whitaker's 2015 Bloomsbury

First published in 1868, Whitaker's is the ultimate single-volume reference source - packed with thousands of facts, figures, overviews and statistics relating to the UK and the world. Whitaker's 2015 contains a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of national and local government infrastructure in the UK, astronomical and tidal data for 2015, guides to UK law, education and taxation, overviews of the water, energy and transport industries, essential calendar information, chapters on royalty and peerage, MPs, government departments and public bodies, directory listings of societies and institutions, reviews of the year 2013-14 - covering the arts, science, politics and sport - and monthly summaries of the year's news. Whitaker's is also an excellent introduction to world politics with in-depth profiles of international organisations, the European Union and every country of the world. Our dedicated team of both in-house editors and specialist contributors spend a total of 6,000 hours updating Whitaker's annually - this includes contacting over 5,000 people to update their own organisation's details, researching information from official annual reports, and gathering statistics and facts from the most up-to-date authoritative sources available. For last year's edition, one editor spent an entire day contacting individual departments of HM Treasury to ascertain the correct name of each minister's Private Secretary - information which is just not available elsewhere, including the direct.gov website. Of the 6,000 hours spent updating Whitaker's annually around 2,000 hours of editorial time is dedicated to verifying every piece of information to ensure that, unlike collaborative online sources such as Wikipedia, all the material in Whitaker's is neutral and reliable. Now in its 147th edition, the book is completely revised and updated every year with around 40% of the contents, including maps, diagrams and colour infographics, newly compiled specifically for this edition. A totally unique combination of every aspect of UK infrastructure, current affairs, world politics, history, finance, astronomical data and reviews of the year, `Whitaker's remains the most comprehensive compendium of information in the English language' (Jon Snow) and will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources.

Whitaker's 2015 Bewertungen

A mighty work of reference -- Sir Trevor McDonald, OBE
Whitaker's is the place for things that everybody needs but nobody publishes - nobody else -- Matthew Parris
Settler of argument, provider of spurious historical parallels, goad to the weary hack's mind ... I become so engrossed I forget what I was trying to look up in the first place -- Libby Purves
A source of delight as well as a gold-mine of information -- Jonathan Dimbleby

Zusätzliche Informationen

Whitaker's 2015 Bloomsbury
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Die Abbildung des Buches dient nur Illustrationszwecken, die tatsächliche Bindung, das Cover und die Auflage können sich davon unterscheiden.
Das Buch wurde gelesen, ist aber in gutem Zustand. Alle Seiten sind intakt, der Einband ist unversehrt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken. Das Buch wurde gelesen, sieht jedoch noch wie neu aus. Der Bucheinband weist keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren auf. Gegebenenfalls ist auch ein Schutzumschlag verfügbar. Keine fehlenden oder beschädigten Seiten, keine Risse, eventuell minimale Knicke, keine unterstrichenen oder markierten Textstellen, keine beschrifteten Ränder.