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The Three Dimensions of Freedom Billy Bragg

The Three Dimensions of Freedom von Billy  Bragg

The Three Dimensions of Freedom Billy Bragg

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Musician and activist Billy Bragg diagnoses the crisis of accountability in Western democracies in Faber Social's new series of political pamphlets.

The Three Dimensions of Freedom Zusammenfassung

The Three Dimensions of Freedom Billy Bragg

At a time when opinion trumps facts and truth is treated as nothing more than another perspective, free speech has become a battleground. While authoritarians and algorithms threaten democracy, we argue over who has the right to speak. To protect ourselves from encroaching tyranny, we must look beyond this one-dimensional notion of what it means to be free and, by reconnecting liberty to equality and accountability, restore the individual agency engendered by the three dimensions of freedom.

Über Billy Bragg

Stephen William 'Billy' Bragg is an English singer-songwriter and left-wing activist. His music blends elements of folk music, punk rock and protest songs, with lyrics that span political or romantic themes. His music is heavily centred on bringing about change and getting the younger generation involved in grass-roots activist causes. His book Roots, Radicals and Rockers: How Skiffle Changed the World was shortlisted for the Penderyn Music Book Prize, and was a Rough Trade, Mojo, and FT Book of the Year 2018.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Three Dimensions of Freedom Billy Bragg
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Faber & Faber
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