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Boundless Function Arthur Gibson

Boundless Function von Arthur Gibson

Boundless Function Arthur Gibson

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Boundless Function Zusammenfassung

Boundless Function Arthur Gibson

The riddle: Boundless Function is a totally new kind of literature. But is it autobiography, philosophy or poetry? Professor Frank Kermode claims is book is so different from anything else that it creates a new genre. Autobiography: Born in a Bradford slum in 1943, Arthur Gibson was barely literate when he left school at 15 to work at various labouring jobs. Yet at 27 he persuaded Cambridge dons to take him on as an undegraduate - the start of an unbelievable academic career. Philosophy: At Cambridge where he now teaches philosophy, law, ancient languages, archaeology, theology, linguistics and English literature for 18 university colleges and faculties, Arthur Gibson has been called 'the last Renaissance man' and 'a genius or a madman'. Poetry: Frank Kermode writes: 'The book, like its author, is full of high-spirited intelligence. I'm never absolutely sure what it's about, even when making observations attributed to me. But I don't mean that this is not a serious as well as a delightful book; a strange intelligence playing over a difficult life-history issues in a work of strength or originality.' The challenge" Poets, philosophers, readers and students of literature, unravel the secrets of this enigmatic book and you could win GBP250 for the best essay or review. Judge: Frank Kermode.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Boundless Function Arthur Gibson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloodaxe Books Ltd
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