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The Eyes of the Fleet Anthony Price

The Eyes of the Fleet von Anthony Price

The Eyes of the Fleet Anthony Price

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The frigate, in its classical wooden mailing-ship form, was a fast scouting cruiser. The author examines the frigate's evolution, the men who sailed in them and the most famous single-ship action.

The Eyes of the Fleet Zusammenfassung

The Eyes of the Fleet: Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains, 1793-1815 Anthony Price

The frigate, in its classical wooden sailing-ship form, was a fast scouting cruiser - the eyes of the fleet, in Nelson's words. But the frigate was something much more that a mere scout - it was a true fighting ship, lightly built but heavily-gunned for its size, designed for every naval task short of taking part in the great set-pieces between battleships. The author examines the frigate's evolution, the men who sailed in them and the most famous single-ship actions.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Eyes of the Fleet: Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains, 1793-1815 Anthony Price
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