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Merseyside at War Anthony Hogan

Merseyside at War von Anthony Hogan

Merseyside at War Anthony Hogan

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nur noch 1
SerienAt War


This fascinating volume documents the impact of the two world wars on the people of Merseyside, using a selection of primary sources and contemporary photographs.

Merseyside at War Zusammenfassung

Merseyside at War Anthony Hogan

As one of Britain's largest cities, Liverpool was heavily targeted during the two world wars. Many residents of Merseyside lost their lives in the conflict, both in active combat and as a result of hardships on the Home Front. In this book, author Anthony Hogan has endeavoured to capture the trials and tribulations of the times in pictures and words, preserving the memory of many local men, women and children, as well as telling of their courage and comradeship during these most trying periods. Throughout these pages, you will read about the emotion and tragedy that took over people's lives during the madness of war. Often heartbreaking, sometimes humorous, these personal and individual stories offer an insight into a way of life that very few of us will ever know. Above all, Merseyside at War pays tribute to the people of Liverpool and Merseyside who served and lived through the two world wars, their endurance, and their ability to carry on regardless of how terrible or hopeless things might have seemed.

Über Anthony Hogan

Anthony Hogan is a world war historian whose avid dedication resulted in the creation of the hugely popular 'Liverpool and Merseyside Remembered' website. Anthony has also worked alongside the BBC and local newspapers to compile local wartime news items, and was involved in the research and filming of the wartime special edition of the Antiques Roadshow, filmed at the site of the Somme in France. He is also a musician with a passion for 1960s music. Through dedication and detailed research he has been able to bring one of rocks great untold stories to the public in his second book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Merseyside at War Anthony Hogan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Amberley Publishing
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