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Your Pocket Therapist Annie Zimmerman

Your Pocket Therapist von Annie Zimmerman

Your Pocket Therapist Annie Zimmerman

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With the help of Your Pocket Therapist, understand your childhood, break free from limiting patterns and start living the life you deserve.

Your Pocket Therapist Zusammenfassung

Your Pocket Therapist: Break free from old patterns and transform your life Annie Zimmerman

Every day psychotherapist and social media sensation Dr Annie Zimmerman meets clients who are struggling with their lives. They're committed to making changes, but they're stuck at the question stage. They ask her - why do I keep going back to a bad relationship? Why did I lose my temper? What is wrong with me?

Here's the thing: nothing is wrong with them. They're just asking the wrong questions.

In Your Pocket Therapist, Annie Zimmerman shows us that by understanding how our early lives shape our behaviour as adults, we can begin to unpick the ways in which we are being held back.

Whether you deal with conflict in your relationships, negative self-talk, anxiety, depression or any other emotional issue, this book will empower you to delve into your past to start solving your own problems in the present.

With Your Pocket Therapist, you don't have to struggle alone. By breaking down complex ideas and offering simple exercises throughout, this confidence-boosting guide gives you the expert tools you need to find more purpose, resilience, and joy in every day.

Über Annie Zimmerman

Annie Zimmerman PhD, is a psychotherapist, writer and academic. Annie began posting her life changing insights from the therapy room on TikTok and Instagram as @your_pocket_therapist in 2021 and has since amassed a large and dedicated following who return to her content for advice on everything from attachment styles, inner child work and making peace with your body.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Your Pocket Therapist: Break free from old patterns and transform your life Annie Zimmerman
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Orion Publishing Co
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