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Annie Annie Potts

Annie von Annie Potts

Annie Annie Potts

12,49 €
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Annie Zusammenfassung

Annie Annie Potts

Penguin presents the audio CD edition of Annie, read by Annie Potts

'Annie' began in 1924 as the heroine of a comic strip cartoon called LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE. Her adventures ran in newspapers in America for over 40 years before it was turned into a Broadway musical.

It's 1933 and for as long as she can remember, 11 year old Annie has believed that her mother and father would come back to her New York City orphanage to get her. But mean Miss Hannigan the headmistress is making Annie's life a misery. So she runs away to find her parents - and along the way she rescues a friendly dog, meets millionaire Oliver Warbucks, and has a many scary and exciting adventures. Will kind-hearted Annie find a way to escape her hard-knock life?

The author THOMAS MEEHAN is the playwright of the original Broadway play and he has expanded the story of the plucky little orphan in this classic American tale.

Über Annie Potts

Thomas Meehan was born in New York in 1929. He worked as a journalist for the New Yorker magazine and wrote comedy sketches for the satirical TV show, 'That Was the Week That Was'. He received a Tony Award for Annie in 1977, for The Producers in 2001 and in 2003 for the musical Hairspray. He currently lives in New York city and in Nantucket, Massachusetts.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Annie Annie Potts
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Penguin Random House Children's UK
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