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Every 90 Seconds Zusammenfassung

Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women Anne P. DePrince (Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, University of Denver)

An urgent examination of how violence against women is inextricably linked to other issues that stoke our greatest passions. Every 90 seconds a woman is sexually assaulted. In that same minute and a half, another is a victim of domestic violence at the hands of a current or former intimate partner. Every sixteen hours, one of those intimate partners shoots and kills a woman. Nearly two in ten women are stalked, while one in sixteen is raped during her first sexual experience. Despite these jaw-dropping statistics, collectively we are well practiced at seeing such acts as someone else's problem. And yet, violence against women is tangled up with the most frequently discussed and debated issues of our time: healthcare and education access, immigration, gun policies, economic security, and criminal justice reform-issues that impact us all, nearly every day. In Every 90 Seconds, Anne P. DePrince argues that to end violence against women, we must fundamentally redefine how we engage with it-starting by abandoning the idea that violence is a problem involving only those who abuse or are abused. Instead, DePrince illuminates how violence against women is inextricably linked to other issues that stoke our greatest passions. For instance, each time a woman requires emergency medical attention as a result of violence and abuse, our overburdened healthcare system bears an entirely preventable cost. Meanwhile, the threat of violence is a significant cause of pressure on the US southern border, driving women and their families to seek safety far from home. Violence against women also takes a stunning toll on the US economy by contributing to widespread poverty. Drawing on these and other complex examples, DePrince builds the case that this very complexity offers an opportunity for mobilizing ordinary people to work to stop violence against women in a way we never have before. DePrince's call to action arises out of the reality that when we address violence against women, we can make progress on a range of other significant issues that we care deeply about too.

Every 90 Seconds Bewertungen

Violence against women fills our newsfeeds. Was it always this way and can anything be done? Anne DePrince answers these questions by providing a history of the movement to end violence against women as well as promising practices from her own research that can help communities respond in joined-up ways. * Louise Godbold, Executive Director of Echo, and Weinstein survivor *
DePrince reveals in this remarkable book that each act of violence against a woman reverberates throughout society. Drawing on her years of experience as a scientist and advocate, DePrince lays out a roadmap to end violence against women. This intelligent and compassionate book offers the tools to heal our world and it provides the gift of hope. * Jennifer Joy Freyd, Professor Emerit of Psychology, University of Oregon, and Founder & President, Center for Institutional Courage *
Dr. DePrince expertly weaves news headlines, personal anecdotes, and research into a powerful (and readable) call to action. She identifies steps each of us can take to build a future without violence against women. As a woman, a lawyer, an activist and a professor, I am grateful for this book, which I will share with students, colleagues and community. * Professor Meg Garvin, MA, JD, MsT, Director of the National Crime Victim Law Institute at Lewis & Clark Law School *
Dr. DePrince has paid tribute to the field of work of ending violence against women while providing, how we can adjust perspectives and systems moving forward. Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women challenges us to consider new ways of working to ensure that all survivors are supported through collaborative and community action, and to end the public health crisis of violence against women. * Ruth M. Glenn, CEO & Survivor, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) *

Über Anne P. DePrince (Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, University of Denver)

Anne P. DePrince, PhD, has worked closely with victim service providers, police, prosecutors, and policy makers over more than two decades of research. A Distinguished University Professor at the University of Denver and an internationally recognized expert in violence against women, DePrince studies the impact of multiple forms of violence against women - sexual assault, domestic violence, sex trafficking, adolescent dating violence - on a range of impacts, from health and economic wellbeing to education and safety. The U.S. Department of Justice recognized her contributions to the nation's understanding of crime victims with the Vision 21 Crime Victims Research Award.


Introduction: Our Common Cause Chapter 1: Of Hysteria and Health Chapter 2: When Gun Violence is Gendered Violence Chapter 3: Lessons in Intimate Violence Chapter 4: The Local Cost of Global Pain Chapter 5: The Price of Intimate Violence Chapter 6: A Question of Justice Chapter 7: From Hysteria to Justice: Transforming Awareness into Action

Zusätzliche Informationen

Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women Anne P. DePrince (Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, Distinguished University Professor of Psychology Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy & Research, University of Denver)
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Oxford University Press Inc
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