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The Next Moon Andre Hue

The Next Moon von Andre Hue

The Next Moon Andre Hue

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Andre Hue was a daredevil. By the age of twenty the Anglo-Frenchman had survived shipwreck and years undercover in France, sabotaging German supply lines. Returning to Britain, he was recruited by SOE to parachute behind enemy lines on 5 June 1944, to unite resistance forces in Brittany and paralyze local German troops during the Allied invasion.

The Next Moon Zusammenfassung

The Next Moon Andre Hue

Andre Hue was a daredevil. By the age of twenty the Anglo-Frenchman had survived shipwreck and years undercover in France, sabotaging German supply lines. Returning to Britain, he was recruited by SOE to parachute behind enemy lines on 5 June 1944, to unite resistance forces in Brittany and paralyse local German troops during the Allied invasion.

Though Hue's mission was fraught with difficulty - he missed his landing site, his secret base camp became the site of a pitch battle and a band of Cossacks tried to hunt him down - he knew that thousands of lives depended on his success or failure . . .

Über Andre Hue

When the war in Europe ended Andre Hue was parachuted into Burma. Like many other members of SOE he became an MI6 officer and, eventually, the British military attache in Phnom Penh.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Next Moon Andre Hue
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Penguin Books Ltd
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