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Pregnancy Hacks Amanda Shapin Michelson

Pregnancy Hacks von Amanda Shapin Michelson

Pregnancy Hacks Amanda Shapin Michelson

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Make your pregnancy feel easier than ever with these 350 simple hacks to keep you comfortable and happy for nine months straight!

Pregnancy Hacks Zusammenfassung

Pregnancy Hacks: 350+ Easy Hacks for a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy! Amanda Shapin Michelson

Make your pregnancy feel easier than ever with these 350 simple hacks to keep you comfortable and happy for nine months straight!

Congratulations-you're pregnant! There's no doubt you're thrilled to meet your little bundle of joy...but you also might be feeling some stress and discomfort as you navigate your rapidly changing body. But why not make things a little easier for yourself with these simple hacks to get you through every step of the next nine months!

With Pregnancy Hacks, you'll find tricks to simplify your daily routine so that everything seems just a bit more manageable. Feeling nauseous throughout the day? Stock up on ginger candles or make electrolyte popsicles for a quick, delicious fix. Dealing with tired, swollen feet? Try soaking them in tonic water to reduce the swelling. Or maybe you're struggling to reach things on the floor. Kitchen tongs can help!

These are just a few of the tips and tricks that will make your pregnancy experience so much better! Pregnancy Hacks is here to help your expanding family (and belly) stay happy and healthy.

Über Amanda Shapin Michelson

Amanda Shapin Michelson is a writer specializing in pregnancy, motherhood, health, and wellness. She is a Contributing Editor at The Everymom and is the author behind the lifestyle blog ShapinUp.com, a site focused on healthy and balanced living. A graduate of The University of Michigan, Amanda currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their daughter.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Pregnancy Hacks: 350+ Easy Hacks for a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy! Amanda Shapin Michelson
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Adams Media Corporation
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